ESD 2030 Strategic Plan - The Episcopal School of Dallas | Best Private Schools in Dallas


The best schools have mission-driven programs and talented, engaged educators who administer them and benefit from them. Building on our already strong teaching and learning foundation, the next step in elevating The Episcopal School of Dallas is making sure we have the resources to create a comprehensive and scaffolded curriculum that reflects our mission and to attract the best possible people to work and to learn here. This is the final piece needed to make ESD a school of national renown.

David L. Baad, Hobson Family Head of School

Executive Summary

Significant research has determined that productive and happy adults live lives of purpose. ESD 2030 will ensure that the people and programs required to achieve this goal are meaningfully interwoven so that every learner and teacher at ESD will thrive for generations to come.

For children to successfully transition into living lives of purpose as adults, they need:

  • The skills and dispositions to be successful in a complex world;
  • Exposure to a variety of academic disciplines that stimulate intellectual interests and possible life-long vocations; and
  • A moral compass that enables them to make decisions among competing alternatives in a way that positively impacts both themselves and their communities and leads to living an ethical life.


The Impact of ESD 2030

The goals of ESD 2030 are designed to maintain the existing strengths of the school while improving the quality and scope of the program delivered to students. 

Great Teachers Make Great Schools
  • Provide a compensation and benefits package that attracts and retains the best to work here;
  • Create a best-in-class teaching environment through mission-driven innovative programming, outstanding professional development experiences, and leadership opportunities; and
  • Allow faculty to work with a talented and motivated student body possessing a broad range of backgrounds and perspectives.
ESDistinction - Curriculum of Purpose
  • Instill the skills, dispositions, and virtues to find purpose and lead fulfilled lives;
  • Integrate real-world intellectual experiences that assist their discovery of purpose;
  • Expose learners to a best-in-class faculty;
  • Develop personal academic narratives that differentiate them from other high school graduates and college applicants; and
  • Provide meaningful interactions with the greater Dallas community, thereby exposing them to a wide range of industries and people.

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Investment in Community
  • Deliver high-quality teaching, a reservoir of future leaders, and institutional strength and continuity;
  • Deepen our ties to the DFW community and strengthen our reputation as a community leader whose alumni meaningfully contribute to making Dallas a great place to live;
  • Attract mission-appropriate employees and students who will actively engage in our community; and
  • Enhance our financial sustainability and long-term competitiveness by significantly adding to our endowment.


Through the unparalleled journey of our school’s first 50 years, ESD developed a spectacular campus and a balanced, whole child education rooted in our Episcopal Identity. It is our time to soar and focus on our people and programs by attracting and retaining the very best teachers and students possible while simultaneously sustaining and further developing our programs that ignite lives of purpose. To an even greater degree, ESD’s graduates will be prepared to go out from our classrooms, into our communities, and stand out in the world.